Monday, October 1, 2007

Psoriasis... is it contagious?

Today, my first day of a Pediatric Dermatology rotation, I was struck by the significant lack of public awareness about psoriasis. Almost 1 in 50 people have psoriasis. 125 million people worldwide have this condition, and everyone must know someone (if not a few someones) with psoriasis. Yet two patients came in on the same day requesting notes for their teachers stating that their skin condition is not contagious. If there is any way to make a shy adolescent who has so much psoriasis that he wears a baseball cap, long pants, and long sleeve shirts in the Texas heat any more uncomfortable, it is to imply that other kids may not be safe around him. The teacher did not trust either of these students' or their parents' retelling of the diagnoses. These kids know what they have because they are reminded with every pill they take and every ointment they use, not to mention the physical discomfort they endure.

I read this article talking about a drug-company sponsored public health website with a great section onpsoriasis. It is well done and informative. There are many other great websites out there with reliable information, including the National Psoriasis Foundation. I hope you take a few minutes to learn a little more about psoriasis.

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